July 7, 2021
Plant Tip #2– Tomatoes!

Last week, Angela hosted our first garden workshop at Feeding Chittenden! If you weren’t able to make it, here are a few key take-aways about planting and caring for tomatoes:
–Tomatoes are a favorite crop in many home gardens, but they do require a lot of care because they are prone to pests and diseases. You can help your tomatoes survive pest/disease pressure by using pruning and trellising techniques. Pruning and trellising provide support and air flow that your tomatoes need to stay healthy and keep producing fruit all summer long!
–When planting tomato seedlings, it’s a good idea to transplant them horizontally– That way, the buried stems will root out and give the plant more strength while the leaves will act as a natural compost.
–Make sure you fertilize your tomatoes with organic tomato tone and kelp/fish emulsion every two weeks. Fertilizing your home garden is essential for healthy crops! It’s worth it to buy fish/kelp emulsion fertilizer at your nearest garden supply store– it can last at least two growing seasons, if not more!